Descendents of James Sawyer Holman

1 James Sawyer Holman  b. 17 Sep 1805 d. 21 Jun 1873
  + Naomi Roxania Le Baron b. 7 Oct 1816 d. 11 Aug 1881
    2 Harriet Naomi Holman  b. 28 Jan 1834 d. 1 Aug 1914
      + Benjamin Franklin Johnson b. 28 Jul 1818 d. 18 Nov 1905
    2 Sarah Melissa Holman  b. 18 Nov 1838 d. 5 Oct 1901
      + Benjamin Franklin Johnson b. 28 Jul 1818 d. 18 Nov 1905
    2 Susan Adaline Holman  b. 7 Oct 1841 d. 5 Feb 1919
      + Benjamin Franklin Johnson b. 28 Jul 1818 d. 18 Nov 1905

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