by J. Clifton Moffitt, a grandson Contents:


Many of the grandchildren of Cordelia Calista Morley Cox are alive today who vividly recall their Grandmother Cox as she sat in her rocking chair, dressed in white high quality clothes, never without her snow-white hair covered tightly with a silk-white veil. The skin of her face was deep with wrinkles indicating not only her age but therewith the anxieties she had encountered through the decades of her life.

Cordelia was one of the last survivors of Manti among those who knew Joseph Smith intimately and who because of her confidence in him and faith in the religion he taught, endlessly was compelled to move on and on in order to survive.

Cordelia also knew the town of Manti from its very early beginning. The array of battles with the Indians during the eighteen fifties and sixties was common experience to her and to her family.

The daughter of Isaac Morley who led the first settlers into Sanpete in 1849 and the wife of Frederick Walter Cox, Sr., Cordelia Morley Cox lived in polygamy from the time of her marriage until the death of her husband and shared the "big Cox House" with the other Cox wives and their large families of children.

The life of Cordelia Morley Cox was one of happiness interspersed with sadness and grave concerns.

Much of her joy during her later years was derived from the incidents she wrote and related to others concerned with the experiences she had at Kirtland, or in Missouri, or perhaps in Illinois. During those years she truly was a woman of the wilderness.

Facts from her writings and true stories she related need preservation for her posterity and others of her immediate family who may be interested.

Cordelia Morley Cox was the daughter of Isaac and Lucy Gunn Morley. She was born at Kirtland, Ohio, November 28, 1823 and was the fifth child in a family of nine. She, with her parents and later with her husband, endured great hardships in different locations in Missouri, in Lima and Nauvoo and in crossing the plains to Utah.

Manti became her beloved home and here she lived until death called her from mortal life. She died June 9, 1915.


Born on the American Frontier in Ohio before the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized, Cordelia Morley was a member of a family searching for a religion that met their spiritual needs. In time such a religion came to their own door at Kirtland. The place of Cordelia's birth and young childhood was an inconspicuous rural area inviting only to a few people who had trapped and explored the western reaches of Ohio. The cities along the Atlantic Seaboard were then small and offered little economic advancement for young adults. Cordelia's father, Isaac Morley, was a son of Thomas E. Morley and was one of nine children. Consequently it appeared to Isaac that the frontier of Ohio offered added advantages, and toward a home in Ohio's Western Reserve, Isaac began to plan. It was at the rural area of Kirtland where Isaac went, to find both a home and a religion that would meet his temporal and spiritual needs.

Cordelia became a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when only a young girl, following the acceptance of membership by her parents who first heard of the new religion from Oliver Cowdery, Parley P. Pratt, Peter Whitmer Jr., and Ziba Peterson. These were early converts. The proselyting efforts of these missionaries were fruitful as they traveled across Ohio to the vicinity that came to be known as Kirtland, the first major headquarters of the new Church.

The success of the missionaries in the Kirtland vicinity was such that the membership grew rapidly. The Morleys, searching for a satisfying religion, formerly were members of the Campbellite Church (after leaving the Church of the earlier Morley family) but with the conversion of Sidney Rigdon, the Morley's former religious leader, this family, likewise became members of the Church. Promise of success of conversions of added persons, or by revelation, caused Joseph Smith, the organizer of the Church, the move to Kirtland at an early date in Church history. In the absence of a house at Kirtland in which the Smith family could live, the Smiths shared the Morley house and lived with the Morley family until a house could be built. It was while living in the Morley house that Joseph Smith received some of the many revelations that were given to him at Kirtland. One revelation was given February 4, 1831, stating, "It is meet that my servant Joseph Smith, Jr., should have a house built, in which to live and translate." The Morley family was in a position to help meet Joseph's need. They owned land and happily shared with the man they accepted as a prophet.

As he approached young manhood, Cordelia's father left the house of his parents and went westward searching for land whereat he could build his own house and provide for a family. Military duty, however, required him to serve in the war of 1812. His aspirations for adventure and his independence were not long deterred. With his bride, the former Lucy Gunn, he moved to the Western Reserve of Ohio and commenced clearing the land he later acquired. The ownership of land and more land was the aspiration of Isaac Morley, in the vicinity of Kirtland.

This ownership served him and the Church well. He gave the land on which Joseph Smith's house was built, and was able to abide by the command given to obtain other lands to accommodate many of the converts moving to Kirtland from New York.

Father Morley (as his children and scores of unrelated people called him) was later able to show his faith for the Church and his convictions of Joseph Smith as a prophet when he abided by the commandment to give his lands to the Church and leave his home and property to seek a new home in Missouri.

Cordelia Morley Cox was in her eighth year when the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was organized. She was born November 28, 1823, at Kirtland, Ohio, and as a young growing girl spent her years at Kirtland, which was to become the first important gathering place for the Mormons shortly after the Church came into existence, and at a time and place when conversions to the Church were increasing rapidly.

Kirtland grew to be a substantial community. Schools early were established and Cordelia here commenced her education that later prepared her for teaching positions in Mormon settlements.

The influence of Joseph Smith living in the Morley house is unmeasurable, but this and related experiences caused the Morleys, as a family, to dedicate their lives to the Church.

Organized April 6, 1830, by midsummer of the following year the Church held the first general conference at Kirtland. This was a very important occasion for Cordelia and her family. It greatly changed the course of events from that time forward through the years for the Morleys. The Kirtland conference was held June 3 to and including June 6. The pattern of Church organization was greatly expanded. Cordelia's father was ordained a high priest. He was also made a counselor to Edward Partridge, who became the first presiding bishop in the Church. He here made definite commitments to serve the Church throughout his life. The Kirtland conference was important in the lives of the Morleys in other ways. At that time, Isaac Morley with others were called as traveling missionaries to start enroute to Jackson County, Missouri.

Cordelia, her mother Lucy Gunn Morley, and her other brothers and sisters were to follow Father Morley after he had reached his destination in Missouri.

Leaving the vicinity of her birthplace, Cordelia commenced a series of ventures that were challenging much of the remaining years of her life.


The proselyting program in and about Kirtland converted a substantial number of people to Mormonism. Joseph Smith moved his family there and there received a series of revelations concerning the Church organizations, counsel to members in the Church, and future plans for a new Church headquarters. This first general conference of the Church held at Kirtland did much to determine the destiny of many Church members. At this conference an extensive missionary plan was inaugurated wherein men were advanced in the priesthood and many were called to go on missions preaching from place to place but all traveling toward the vicinity of Jackson County, Missouri, where Joseph had declared the next Church conference would be held and where he believed the center of the Church would be established.

High hopes were held by the Church membership for the promise of a new Church headquarters in Missouri. Cordelia's father, Isaac Morley, was one of a pair of missionaries who left Kirtland, preaching by the way as they trudged toward their anticipated new home at Jackson County.

The Morley property at Kirtland mostly was given to the Church. A modest amount was sold enabling the family to seek a new location as a home.

In time, Isaac (his companion, Ezra Booth, apostatized) arrived in Missouri at the proposed site of the anticipated Church headquarters. He with other missionaries were called to leave Kirtland in June and he arrived at Jackson County in August.

Upon his arrival in Missouri, Isaac, at once began construction of a log house and sent word for his family at Kirtland to leave their home and join him in Missouri. The family responded immediately and Cordelia, her mother, and five other Morley children left their Ohio home and started their tedious and toilsome journey through more of the wilderness into a new and frightening venture. Cordelia has written that with their heavily loaded wagon (containing all they possessed) it required seven days after leaving Kirtland to reach the bank of the Ohio River.

It was late summer, the earlier high water of the river had receded and the stream had lowered to the point where boats could not reach the river bank. An additional week was spent at this point as the Morley family hoped some circumstance would occur that would relieve them of their plight.

Their prayers ultimately were answered as a coal boat could come sufficiently near the river bank that their belongings could be carried from the wagon to the boat enabling them to continue their journey along the river toward Independence where father and husband was awaiting them. It was a happy reunion for the Morleys in Missouri, and expanded plans soon were under way.

Winter passed and then came spring affording new hopes and aspirations. Cordelia wrote that they planted gardens and field crops for their livestock and Isaac built a second log cabin as a residence. They, with others of the Mormons, believed they were at the spot where Zion would thrive and the Church from that spot would extend throughout the world. Happiness at Jackson County had only a short existence for the Morley family. More Mormons came and therewith, first suspicions and then hatred grew in the minds and hearts of the non-Mormon residents in that vicinity. The Mormons were ordered to leave, but having faith that this was to become the "center stake of Zion" the Morleys elected to remain if humanly possible. Isaac was arrested and placed in jail. He was given a trial and was sentenced to be shot on the public square for treason. Cordelia wrote "God willed otherwise." This was only the beginning of the persecutions the Morleys and others of the Mormons were to endure in Missouri as they were driven from place to place. So deeply concerned were the Church leaders and so reluctant to leave Jackson County that some offered themselves as a ransom, giving their lives, if their families and others could remain. Edward Partridge, Bishop to the Church, Isaac Morley, counselor to Bishop Partridge, John Corrill, John Whitmer, W.W. Phelps, and A.S. Gilbert met the mob and begged to give their lives with the agreement that others could remain unharmed. Their pleadings were not convincing. The Mormons, not a few but all must leave was the order that was given. The Morley family was compelled to leave Jackson County. A family of eight left their home and therewith their possessions including thirty bushels of potatoes which they were depending on to sustain their lives.

The Morley family's next move was to Clay County, Missouri. This move failed to help their plight substantially. Cordelia and her family members all became ill. She described the seriousness of this situation stating they could not control their "chills and fever". It was a low swampy land in which they were living and ultimately they were forced again to move. While they were in Clay County, Father Morley, indicating his dedication to the Church and with the willingness of his family, went to the more eastern states on another Church mission.

After the father's return home from his mission, due to the persecution of the Mormons, the Morleys with others went into Caldwell County. The Morleys located at a community known as Far West. For a brief time, but only a brief time, stated Cordelia, the Mormons here lived in peace. The Church momentarily prospered. Morleys and others built new homes. Cordelia with other children attended school and life was a joyous experience.

But history was repeating Mormon experiences. Happiness for the Church members at Far West was short lived. Cordelia wrote a description of the horrors of the mobbing. She declared that following some warnings for them to move on and on a mob of "about five hundred men" came riding into Far West with guns and bayonets. They rode to the public square and gave the order for all local citizens to at once surrender all guns to the mob.

Forty-five of the Mormon men were taken as prisoners. Father Morley, included in the group that was to walk to Richmond as prisoners, asked for and received only minutes to bid his family farewell. Through mud and all kinds of weather these Mormon prisoners were marched to jail and remained there for three weeks. Boots for a pillow and a blanket each serving as both a mattress and a covering was the prison bed. Cornbread and cold water was the diet. The court finding the Mormon prisoners guiltless of any crime allowed them to return to their families at Far West. Cordelia states her father was so thin and pale they hardly could recognize him. Bitter feelings and criminal action against the Mormons at Far West compelled another move for the Morley family. They next moved into Hancock County, Illinois. The Morleys found a log house in the timber that had been built "to the square". This Father Morley, Cordelia wrote, was able to procure. Their new house had neither doors nor windows, but the Morleys, parents and children, soon built a temporary cover over the house to protect them until the following spring.

Others of the Mormon faith joined the Morleys, crops were planted and in time were harvested, and added prosperity came to this small colony of people. The Mormons, wherein several families lived close together, always established themselves into a church organization and this they did here. Isaac Morley had been ordained a patriarch, and serving as a counselor to Bishop Partridge, was selected as President of the branch of the Church that was to emerge in Lima, Hancock County, Illinois.


During the months and years that the Morley family was driven from place to place, faith in God and in the future were never lost. Their life in Missouri had been a series of bitter experiences but was interspersed with happiness and hope for better days to come. This happiness was found at the Morley settlement (also called Yelrom, Morley spelled backwards, and by some was called Lima). People and the Church prospered in this place. Isaac Morley was appointed president, and his counselors, likewise appointed, were Walter Cox and Edwin Whiting.

Divisions of the Church were established and schools were created and maintained. Cordelia, who from a young child had learned that "the glory of God is intelligence", had yearned for an education and commenced school in Kirtland, the place of her birth and early childhood. She had never failed to take advantage of any opportunity to learn during their time spent in Missouri or later as they moved into Illinois. After taking advantage of every opportunity to learn, Cordelia now was able to teach younger children.

By October 1840, a complete ecclesiastical stake was organized at the Morley Settlement. Isaac Morley became the stake president and John Murdock and Walter Cox were his counselors. Two years later (October 23, 1842) 424 church members lived at the Lima (Morley) settlement. This church organization was reorganized June 11 of the following year with the Morley family always playing a prominent role. Father Morley remained president and Gardner Snow became bishop.

Cordelia's father did some farming and spent some time at his coopers shop, but found time to spend with church members in solving their problems.

Life was somewhat ideal for Cordelia in Lima. The Church had offered considerable social life for the people. Cordelia was happy in her school as a teacher and the Morley family prospered.

The word spread rapidly from county to county and state to state of the Mormons' declaration that God had again spoken to human beings and revelations were accepted by the church membership as commands and directives for improved ways of living the Christian religion. For these reasons the Mormons at no place in mid-America were free from persecution. Organized mobs appeared always to be present where the Mormons gave evidence of establishing and maintaining a permanent community.

Refusing to denounce Joseph Smith as a false prophet, Isaac Morley and other community leaders were first threatened and then forced to watch their buildings burn and their livestock driven from their own fields. At one time it is claimed there were as many as one hundred fifty buildings burned in this Mormon community.

The Mormons at Lima did not readily run from their homes. A few in high government positions (non-Mormons) made investigations of the accusations against the Mormons and declared there were no justifications for compelling these people to leave their homes because of differences in religious convictions.

Some had apostatized from the Mormon Church, others were religious leaders of other churches and some had no reason for their abuse excepting it was a time of action and excitement; but these forces all combined to form mob groups that endlessly persecuted the Mormons and declared they would not cease their inhuman actions until the Mormons had left the country.

Cordelia, at last, was forced to close her school and seek shelter with her parents. Cordelia wrote, and in later years related her sadness as she was compelled with others to stand a short distance from their house and out-buildings and see them consumed by fire and watch the mob destroy their stacks of hay and grain and drive their livestock from the land they owned.

The mob's ultimate goal was not really to murder Isaac Morley or his family, it was to murder Joseph Smith and to destroy the Church he had formed.

A "deal" was proposed to Isaac by the mob that if he (Isaac) and his followers would help kill Joseph they could be free at the Morley settlement. Otherwise, there was a warrant for Isaac's arrest and a jail sentence was awaiting him.

Since Joseph Smith entered the home of Isaac Morley at Kirtland in 1831, Isaac had believed him to be a prophet of God and had dedicated his own life to build up the Church, and he was determined not now to become a traitor.

The proposed "deal" was refused by Isaac and while awaiting his arrest he was able to remove himself from their sight and hastily go to Nauvoo to warn Joseph Smith of the mob's plans. As Isaac talked with Church leaders at Nauvoo, he received instructions to leave the Morley settlement and he and other Church members were advised to come to Nauvoo.

It was a difficult decision for the Morley family. In the brief time they had been at this settlement they had found more happiness than had been theirs since their first years at Kirtland. Isaac was the religious leader--many of the branch of the Church at Lima did not again want to leave their worldly possessions in search of a new home. But Isaac saw no choice and left in the midst of wintry weather, advising others to do the same. The Morley family arrived at Nauvoo February 14, 1845. The reception of any Mormons coming to Nauvoo at that time could not have been pleasant. Joseph Smith, the prophet and leader, and his brother Hyrum had been martyred the previous June, leaving Church members everywhere in deep sorrow.

Cordelia reviewed her own feelings. The man (Joseph) who with his family had moved into the Morley home at Kirtland and who became respected and loved was dead, perhaps killed by the same people who had driven the Morleys from Jackson County, to Clay County, to Caldwell County, back into Illinois, and then from their beloved Morley settlement to Nauvoo.

There was no more peace for the Morleys at Nauvoo than had been theirs during the years before as they were pushed on and on again and again.

It was a difficult time for the Morleys at Nauvoo. Cordelia has repeatedly related how they loved the area of Lima, and how as they left they wondered if at any time in mortal life peace and happiness could be found. Cordelia had matured from a girl in her teens to one in her twenties at Lima. She there was a leader and a teacher among the young and was highly respected by all. Moreover, she had met Frederick Walter Cox, Sr., the man who taught music to the children she had taught to read, write, and compute; and the man who shortly was to be her husband and the father of her children.

The death of Joseph Smith had left the Church without a president, but by the plan of organization had left the leadership in the hands of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles with Brigham Young as the senior member and spokesman for the Church.

Joseph Smith had prophesied and had told the Church members that the time would come when they would go to the Rocky Mountains. It was to be a new era for the Church. Some did not accept the apparent leadership after Joseph's death and left the Church. There was confusion and uncertainty and there was displayed deep feelings and emotions that went to the very heart of the Church.

Joseph was dead, but persecutions did not cease. Discussions were held by the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and decisions were made. Experience after experience had taught them that the Church members in large groups could not remain in Illinois or Missouri. The great major decision was made, and that was to move the membership to the Rocky Mountains as Joseph had predicted.

Slowly, singly and in groups, but as fast as they could, the Mormons began moving across the Mississippi River.

Cordelia was 21 years of age when Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum were murdered. She not only had known the Prophet intimately from the time the Smith family moved into the Morley home at Kirtland, but she with her family and friends in her religious group had suffered intensely as a result of the mobbings, regardless of where they would make a temporary settlement.

Until Cordelia was past ninety years of age she would relate to her children and grandchildren clearly and distinctly the horrors of the mobs. The murder of Joseph Smith to Cordelia and to her family was an act of cruelty second only to the crucifixion of the Saviour of the world.

Cordelia and her family were involved greatly with the incidents leading to, and the occasion of, the martyrdom of their prophet. His associates constantly were moving about the Nauvoo area seeking assistance that may alleviate Joseph from the jails and later from death. Mobs were known to be in several places in the county on June 14, 1844. On Sunday preceding the death of Joseph, Anson Call wrote, "The Saints were gathered in a grove east of the temple, the usual place of the meetings . . . Joseph returned to the stand and commenced preaching . . . He asked them whether they would sit in a ring and hear a discourse he wised to deliver to them or whether they would return to their homes. The people exclaimed with one united voice we will tarry. This was the last public sermon ever delivered to the Saints by the Prophet Joseph Smith." Great effort continued for the next three days to obtain some legal action preventing the mobs from killing. Early in the week following the Sunday meeting, Anson Call's report states, "Joseph rode up . . . and said boys I have come to bid you goodbye. I am going to leave you for awhile. He turned himself upon the saddle, waved his hand, and said, you are my boys and I bless you in the name of Israel's God. Be faithful and true and you shall have your reward. Farewell. He then started for Carthage. I little thought it was the last time I should see him alive, being acquainted with his many deliverances from the hands of his enemies . . ." The following day, "The brethren were gathered in groups in every direction. No very favorable news received from Carthage." Another day passed, Anson Call wrote, "this morning I met O.P. Rockwell coming with his horse upon the run through the city hollering Joseph is killed! They have killed him. They have killed him! God damn them, they have killed him. Every man, woman, and child were in mourning . . . " The following day, wrote Anson Call, "The bodies of Joseph and Hyrum were taken to Joseph's mansion and were exhibited to all who wished to see them." (From Anson Call, Life Record and Journal, 1839-1872, pp. 27-28.)


Cordelia had met and learned to love Frederick Walter Cox, Sr., at Yelrom (the Morley Settlement). These two people early in life had many common interests. Both had taught school at the Morley Settlement, and were interested in cultural and educational values. Both had suffered persecutions from mob violence and the destruction of their property. Both had genuine dedication to the Church of which they were members. Consequently, their marriage at Nauvoo under the circumstances as they existed at that time cemented them to a common purpose, that of going with the larger group of Church members who, after the martyrdom of Joseph Smith, were ready to heed the Church council and commence plans to go to the Rocky Mountains.

Cordelia had known Joseph Smith intimately since he and his family came to live with them at Kirtland. She, as did others knew that Joseph had predicted that the church members ultimately would go to the Rocky Mountains. This Joseph had repeatedly told his followers. For example, July 14, 1843, Anson Call recorded in his diary, "In company with about fifty or one hundred of the brethren we crossed the river to Montrose . . . whilst together Joseph who was with us told us of many things that should transpire in the mountains. After drinking a drought of ice water, he said, "Brethren this water tastes much like the crystal streams that are running in the Rocky Mountains, which some of you will participate of. There are some of those standing here that will perform a great work in that land . . . There is Anson (Call) he shall go and shall assist in building cities from one end of the country to the other and you shall perform as great a work as has ever been done by man . . . in assisting and building cities and temples . . ." (Anson Call did come to Utah and assisted in building not on Salt Lake City, but cities north and south throughout the Territory.)

Considerable temple work had been accomplished by Cordelia and her father's family while at Nauvoo, before leaving for the West.

Cordelia described what she stated was "adoptions and sealings of parents and children in the Nauvoo Temple." She reported her parents names, Isaac and Lucy Morley and the children as follows: Isaac, Jr., Chauncey Whiting, Amos Cox, Philena, Lucy Diantha, Editha Ann, Cordelia, Therissa Arthusa, and Joseph Stewart Allen. (Note that the spouses of the three married daughters were sealed to Isaac and Lucy at that same time.)

Cordelia wrote, "They were all sealed up unto their parents at the altar." She likewise wrote again (the following she recorded elsewhere), "Cordelia Calista Morley had been sealed (using past tense) to President Joseph Smith (deceased), President B. Young, his proxy on Tuesday, January 27, 1846, at the altar, and Therissa Arthusa Morley had also been sealed to Heber C. Kimball about 35 minutes before this adoption and sealing of their father's family, but they were sealed to their parents and then by them given respectively to Joseph and Heber by mutual consent. Brother Isaac Morley and Lucy (his wife) were adopted to President Brigham Young in the Nauvoo Temple 3 February 1846. Brother H.C. Kimball officiated. A.W. Lyman, witness."

Joseph Smith's death and Brigham Young's leadership increased the general desire to leave Nauvoo. Some could travel on a short distance. Some were compelled to remain behind in order to dispose of property at a price they would be offered by people who knew the Church believers were forced to leave their beloved city of Nauvoo.

Regardless of the hardships with which the Mormons had to endure, the membership continued to grow. Nauvoo had emerged as one of Illinois' larger and most important cities and the inhabitants could not all travel in one caravan. The differences in their preparedness to travel determined the next camp or location they may reach after leaving Nauvoo. Small Mormon settlements emerged along much of the entire route to Winter Quarters. At this place near the banks of the Missouri a new, although only temporary, location of the Mormons emerged.

Cordelia, now married to Frederick Walter Cox, could not at once leave Nauvoo. However, plans were made, and she and her husband and his other wives left Nauvoo, Illinois, May 8, 1846. They first moved to Pisgah, and then to Silver Creek, Pottawattamie County, Iowa. Regardless of these moves, their ultimate plans to go to the Great Basin of the Rocky Mountains were never altered. Not altered, but at times such plans by compulsion were delayed. Isaac Morley, father of Cordelia and close friend of her husband, had preceded the Cox families in this westward move.

As in repeated instances before, the moving from one place to another never stopped the persecutions that endlessly came to them. By this time in Cordelia's life, the practice of polygamy was generally known and practiced by several of the Church leaders. Cordelia was a wife of a man who was formerly married and was living with more than one wife at the time of her marriage.

While Cordelia, her husband, and his other wives were living at Silver Creek, time passed to the year of 1851. Frederick Walter there was arrested for practicing polygamy. He was ordered to leave the county at once or desert all but one wife. True to his convictions he refused, saying he would "never desert these wives so help me God."

A family council was held and Cordelia and Jemima, two of the wives, moved to another county. They were taken there by Frederick Walter under hiding and fearful circumstances. They knew not where to go or when they were there. No destination was planned specifically as they left. A house for these two wives could not be found in another county where they may not be known, and after a search for a house proved fruitless, all agreed they would live in a vacant stable that was located. Frederick Walter cleaned the floor, brushed down the walls (there were no windows), and in a saddened but determined attitude left these young wives with only his prayers for comfort. It was expected and hoped that Frederick Walter could and would return, but obligations, including the restraint of what was assumed to be the law prevented this from happening.

In her stories to her family (including this writer) Cordelia told and retold of their plight in this situation. They had very little food, limited clothing, and no comforts of furniture of any kind. Moreover, Jemima was soon to have a baby and the time for its arrival could not be postponed. The birth hour of the baby came. The young wives had no help and in their frightened condition they did not know how to obtain help.

Momentarily before the baby was born a knock was heard at the door. Frightened as she was, Cordelia said, "Who is it?" The answer was not clear to Cordelia, but she recognized it to be the voice of a woman. The stranger was admitted and without ceremony took charge of the critical situation. She helped the baby into the world, hastily completed the chores of caring for the baby and the mother and closed the stable covering behind her without any indication of who she was, where she came from, or where she was going. None of the Cox family ever saw this woman to recognize her thereafter.

At a later date, when it appeared more safe, Frederick Walter returned and moved these wives and the young baby to a place of greater safety where plans for their more western voyage may be renewed.

By midsummer of 1852, with all hands working, the Cox family, Frederick Walter, his wives and older children had built three wagons and had acquired seven yoke of oxen in preparation for the long trek across the plains, through the rivers, and over the mountains toward the Great Basin.

The Cox folks endured many hardships during these years of Cordelia's married life.

At Mt. Pisgah all of the family became seriously ill. They and many others of the church members contracted malaria fever. Some died because so many were so ill that help could not be provided for the dying. Frederick Walter, husband and father, was extremely ill, but was compelled to make the coffins for his own dead children.

It was more than one disease and at more than one place and time that extreme illnesses became the lot of the Cox family. Cordelia wrote that illness was so common in the family that at times mothers did not know of the deaths of their own children. Cholera was one of the diseases that was most severe in the large and growing Cox family. Medicine and professional help was not to be found. She declared that at times Frederick Walter would find the best drinking water available and would add vinegar and sugar to check the agony produced by the cholera.

All of the medicines used were those made from herbs, commonly sweetened with a modest amount of sugar.

Moreover, children were being born in this large polygamy family and the other wives would serve as midwives.

June 20, 1852, the large Cox family made another start that they hoped would end not before they reached the Salt Lake Valley. Frederick Walter, Sr., drove three span of oxen on one heavily loaded wagon, Frederick Walter, Jr., now a maturing young man likewise drove three span on one wagon, and a younger son and one or more of the wives took control of the third wagon with one span of oxen. Seven yoke of oxen, three handmade (by the Cox family) wagons, several wives and many children were the responsibility of Frederick Walter Cox as he faced the long journey toward Utah.

It was a long and wearisome trip for Cordelia, her children, her husband, his other wives and their children before reaching the Salt Lake Valley. Other uncles and aunts, alive (in the memory of the author) frequently recalled the incidents crossing the plains and told of the game of "chip hunting". This was a contest among the children, in the evenings after camp had been established at day's end, of determining which youngster could find the most buffalo chips that were burnable to make the night's campfire to be used for light, cooking purposes, and other game playing before bedtime.

Cordelia and her family, while having many hardships, were in a better position than many. She learned well the tremendous sufferings and hardships endured by the handcart companies who came later (in the main from 1856-1860). Some of the older Cox boys after arriving in Manti were "called" to return to aid these unfortunate and dying members of the Church. Cordelia cited the struggles of the handcart caravan of people as an example of their determination to reach Zion and live close to the growing membership of the Church.

Cordelia, with a vivid memory not only wrote extensively, but frequently related some incidents that occurred during their travels. One such incident happened at a time she was in the rear wagon crossing a major river. The two lead wagons at that time were out of sight and as her oxen reached mid-stream, they turned downward with the river current, cramping the wagon to a near tipping position. At that moment when she had come to believe she and the children with her would go to a water grave, a horseman appeared at the opposite bank. He saw their plight and hastily rushed to the oxen, turned their heads forward and helped drive them to safety.

Cordelia's sorrow enroute from Nauvoo and thereafter was not limited to the deaths of her husband's families. Her mother, Lucy Morley, died 3 January 1848 and was buried in the vicinity of Winter Quarters. Cordelia wrote of her deep concern because there was left no knowledge of where her mother was buried. Her brother, Joseph Lamoni Morley died October 18, 1846, at Winter Quarters at a time the Morley family was attempting to move on to the Rocky Mountains.

Later deaths of the family were Harriet Cox Morley, wife of Isaac Morley and her husband's sister, who died 5 July 1854 (from Manti Cemetery Records)at Manti; and Theresa Arathusa Morley Kimball, her sister, who died at Salt lake City October 7, 1858.

Three of Frederick Walter Cox's wives preceded Cordelia in death. Emeline Whiting Cox died 4 March 1896, Jemima Losee Cox died 8 March 1901, Emma Petersen Cox died 22 November 1900. Frederick Walter, killed in an accidental death 5 June 1879, left the rearing of the younger children to the wives who were yet alive.


Cordelia Morley suffered with others of the early Church as a result of her living as one of several wives in the practice of polygamy. Her own description of this indicates her personal anxiety of this experience and justifies some of her writings about it. She wrote the following: "In the spring of forty-four, plural marriage was introduced to me by my parents from Joseph Smith asking their consent and a request to me to be his wife. Imagine if you can my feelings to be a plural wife--something I never thought I ever could be. I knew nothing of such a religion and could not accept it neither did I."

"In June 1844, Joseph Smith was martyred. It was a time of mourning for all. After Joseph Smith's death I was visited by some of his most intimate friends who knew (of) his request and explained to me this religion, counseling me to accept his wishes for he now was gone and could do no more for himself. I accepted Joseph Smith's desire. In 1846, January 27, I was married to your father (Cordelia wrote this to her children) in the Nauvoo Temple. While still kneeling upon the alter, my hand clasped in his and now his wife, he gave his consent and I was sealed to Joseph Smith for eternity. I lived with your father and loved him. I was satisfied with the course I had taken . . . I had not a doubt. I thought if one principle taught by Joseph was true, all he taught must be true. I was sincere in my belief and had never doubted the truth of what I had accepted . . . I became acquainted with the trials and hardships of such a life but was satisfied and contented with the course I had taken."

In her writings, Cordelia then described the circumstances in which they lived and how they were persecuted then and after they moved from Nauvoo. She wrote, "The Latter-day Saints were preparing to leave and come to Utah. We lived in a settlement where as the Mormons moved away the gentiles could buy the improvements until our family was left quite alone with the outside world, then they began to persecute us. Your father (continuing writing to her children at a later date) was taken into a gentile court and tried for breaking the laws of the land by living with more than one wife. I had a true companion. Her husband was mine (the companion referred to was one of the other wives of Frederick Walter Cox--Jemima.). We were drove from our home in the dead of winter. They told us our religion was false and we had been deceived. I had no one to go to for knowledge or for comfort. I began to worry and to wonder if I had in these years been so deceived. I longed for a testimony from my Father in Heaven to know for myself whether I was right or wrong. I was called a fallen woman. The finger of scorn was pointed to me. I felt that it was more than I could endure and in humility of my soul, I prayed that I might have a testimony from Him who knows the hearts of all. One night I dreamed I thought I was in the midst of a multitude of people. President Young arose and spoke to the people . . . He then said there would be a spirit go around to whisper comfort in the ear of every one. All was silent as death, as I sat there the spirit came to me and whispered in my ear these words, don't ever change your condition or wish it otherwise for I was better off than thousands and thousands of others. This brought peace to my mind and I have felt satisfied ever since. The Lord has been my guide, in Him I put my trust; I am thankful that I have been true to the covenants I have made with my Father in Heaven. I am thankful for my children that has been given to me. I pray that God will accept us all, blessed to come forth through a glorious resurrection to receive a crown of eternal life in His Kingdom."

During the late years of Cordelia's life, she continued to insist that polygamy had been a great blessing in the Cox family. She maintained it did not diminish the love of children among and between children although their mothers were different persons. In contrast, Cordelia believed it increased their love, kindness, and helpfulness one for another.

One of Frederick Walter's wives by a later marriage did not live in the "big house" but claims were made that it was due to a lack of adequate room and not the result of ill will toward her. (This was Emma, the last wife.)

Cordelia's father, Isaac Morley, also married and lived with more than one wife at a time. Following the custom of that time, he likewise had additional persons sealed and anointed to him. Cordelia wrote, "On January 14, 1846, the following sisters were sealed in the Temple at Nauvoo, to Elder Isaac Morley, Lucy Gunn, Abigail Snow, Hannah Blakeslee Finch." She stated, "Elder H.C. Richards officiated." She then wrote, "These women were anointed to Brother Morley (Cordelia's father). At the same place, January 22, 1846, the following were sealed to him, Hannah Libby, Nancy Back, Eleanor Mills, Harriet Cox." "President B. Young officiated, Willard Richards and A.M. Guyman. These sisters were anointed to Brother Morley the same day. On January 27, 1846, at the same place (Nauvoo Temple) Brother Morley had sealed to him Betsy B. Pinkham."


None of Cordelia's achievements exceeded that of being a wonderful wife and a mother. Following her marriage to Frederick Walter Cox, Sr., January 27, 1846, in the Nauvoo Temple, she gave birth to eight children, six girls and two boys. Seven of her children were reared to womanhood and manhood. All of these when adults were married and each of Cordelia's children reared a family. The exception was Isaac Cox (given the name of her father) who lived only one week.

The bearing and rearing of seven children, all of whom became excellent citizens, was a gigantic task for that time and the circumstances in which they lived.

Married in 1846, Cordelia gave birth to her first baby in 1846. By that time she had endured the trials of Missouri and Illinois, and following the plan and pattern of her own father and mother and hundreds of others, according to her religious conviction, she, with her husband, began looking toward the mountains of the West for a more permanent home.

Her first three children, Lavina, Therissa, and Sarah Ann were all born in Iowa. These were years of preparation for Cordelia and Frederick Walter, Sr., that were necessary before they could make the larger trek across the plains. All three of these children were young as this Cox family ventured on westward. Sarah Ann was an infant when the family left for Utah. The family left Iowa on June 20, 1852, and arrived in Manti October 4, 1852. Francis, her only boy reared to maturity, was born at Manti August 23, 1853, slightly more than a year after they left their temporary home in Iowa. It had been three years since her father had led the first group of Mormons to Sanpete in 1849. The first devastating winter of 1849-1850 was history when the Cox family arrived. With that winter and the spring that followed had gone the worst of horrors--rattlesnakes crawling from the strata of shale at the south side of temple hill. The dangers of the Indians, the anguish of cold and snowy winters separated by summer droughts, the absence of adequate shelter, the concerns of the reoccurrence of grasshoppers, and all of the many other problems characteristic of the extreme frontier conditions remained for the Cox family to cope with when they arrived.

Cordelia and Frederick Walter Cox stood shoulder to shoulder with their friends and neighbors in a variety of challenges. In the autumn of 1854, after this small colony had worked diligently to raise crops for winter food, the grasshoppers came, as they did in certain other Mormon colonies. So numerous were these pests that the people of that day declared the sky became brown. Regardless of the magnitude of the number, the crops of the settlement were destroyed.

The dedication and faith in the future of this colony of perhaps not more than 700 people was such that the replanting of seed commenced again with the first opportunity for plant growth. Pig weeds and sego roots became a common diet for the people of Manti until new crops could be planted and matured.

No house was available for the Cox folk when they arrived at Manti. Much of the first winter they lived in the homes of friends and relatives. By spring they were able to move into the small fort. Vast numbers of people both in the United States and in foreign countries were accepting the Mormon Gospel during the 1850-1860 decade, and, as a result of the doctrine of "gathering", they were hastily coming to Zion. Inadequate room for all in the Salt Lake Valley compelled Brigham Young to send many to the settlements beyond. As a result, Manti grew rapidly beyond the facilities to house the people.

Dangers from the Ute Indians impelled all to find some physical protection. The small fort soon became extremely crowded, and the Cox folks, with others, were compelled to endure these handicaps until other houses could be provided.

While it was unpleasant for the large Cox family to live in the extremely crowded conditions that were unavoidable in the Manti Fort, they accepted it by choice and lived there for nine years. Francis, Isaac, and Calista Cordelia were all born to Cordelia while living in the fort. (We are uncertain of available records that report Arletta's birth 12 October 1861, whether she was born in the fort or shortly after moving therefrom. Arletta had a serious accident to her hand and fingers as a little child while in the fort, giving some evidence that she was probably born there.)

The following are the children of Cordelia and Frederick Walter Cox, Sr.: Lavina Emeline Cox Van Buren, born 27 September 1846, in Pottawatomie County, Iowa; Therissa Emerett Cox Clark, born Silver Creek, Pottawatomie County, Iowa, 24 March 1849; Sarah Ann Cox Anderson, born Silver Creek 10 April 1851; Francis Morley Cox, born 23 August 1853 in Manti; Isaac Cox, born 8 June 1856 in Manti (died 15 June 1856); Calista Cordelia Cox Crawford, born 20 December 1857 in Manti; Arletta Maria Cox Tuttle, born 12 October 1861 in Manti; Evelyn Amelia Cox Moffitt, born 8 December 1866 in Manti.

It was a difficult time, not only for Cordelia, but for the other wives who were married to Frederick Walter Cox, Sr., during the years they lived in the small fort. Four wives married to the same man and all having children was not particularly different from others. Polygamy at that time was a common practice and completely acceptable in the earlier years at Manti. But the addition of more and more children who were born in the fort, and more and more converts to the Church who were sent to Manti without a house in which to live, made living a challenge.

As the population increased, it became a necessity for added space. Jesse Fox, a surveyor, was given the responsibility to survey the area of Manti and arrange a square block pattern of land that would enable the inhabitants to select individual lots on which they could build a residence.

Seven years were required by the Frederick Walter Cox family to build the "big house" (as it was known throughout the years). Cutting the rock at the quarry the right shape and size, loading it on their own constructed wagons, hauling it with teams of oxen to the Cox lot, and then the tedious and difficult labor of actual building of the house required all possible help of the family that could be spared for that purpose during those years.

Today the Big Cox House in Manti stands stately and strong as it appears in its second century of history. Years of labor with ox teams and weary backs and arms of the family were required for the construction of this edifice. It became home for Cordelia, the other wives, and literally dozens of growing children. The Cox folk occupied the house until the baby of the entire family, Evelyn, grew to womanhood and married.

This was a happy time for Frederick Walter, his four wives, and their flocks of children when the big house was completed.

Cordelia, and each of the other wives, had their own main corner of the house allocated to them. But in polygamy fashion, four wives, each with their own children under the same roof, could not be separated by any significant distance.

It was more than human beings that occupied space under that one roof. There were homemade tables, chairs, beds, and other furniture for each family, all constructed by the family. Also, the Cox family operated, at any given time, as many as eight spinning wheels. There were three looms in near constant use, and there were quilting frames. There also had to be, inside or out, space to wash the wool for spinning and weaving purposes. Cordelia's older children, just as the children from each of the other wives, commonly called "aunt", never owned or wore clothing that was not made in the house during all of the years they lived therein.

Brigham Young had taught the people in the Utah settlements that they must be independent. He yearned for an economy in which no material goods produced away form Utah would be purchased by the Mormons. Each settlement, therefore, was designed to be self-sustaining as much as possible, and where necessary, people were admonished to exchange with neighboring communities instead of buying from outside of Utah.

In order to do this, people were urged to establish their own sawmills, tanneries, and all other small factories on a cooperative basis. Among Brigham Young's admonitions was that of raising their own silks. During the 1870-1880 decade, President Young strongly urged the establishment of a silk industry. He declared that he had a large number of mulberry trees and silk worm eggs, and particularly urged women of the Church to be active in this industry.

The Cox family, with Cordelia furnishing substantial leadership, responded wholeheartedly, and the family became well known in Manti as producers of silk. Until her death, Cordelia thoroughly enjoyed weaving silk cloth.

Grocery stores where one could buy foods were unknown in early Manti, thereby compelling all to procure food using the best methods that were available to each family. All Manti people were farmers. All raised their own food, and often food became scarce. During the days of autumn harvest, Cordelia and her children frequently could be found in the fields where wheat had been harvested, gleaning the scattered heads of wheat from the ditch banks or other spots where Frederick Walter and his older boys may have missed a few head of grain with the use of the cradle.

The Cox children were taught early to work for the production of food, and typically would be found in such an activity under the supervision of Cordelia or one of the other wives. For table salt, they went to the Red Point south of the settlement, chipped small pieces from the rock salt found there, crushed it into small bits, took it home where it was soaked in warm water overnight, then placed into boiling water, allowed to settle, at which time the water and salt could be separated. The salt was then available for table use. It was not only salt that the Cox family obtained as nature had produced it, but also their soda from the saleratus beds that were south and west of Manti. Wild berries from along the Sanpitch River and the foothills east of the settlement were gathered extensively in the seasons they were available. Cordelia noted, however, that it was not always without danger, particularly to go toward the hills, for here were Chief Walker and his Ute Indians who were always a danger.

Cordelia told and retold the story of how the Indians at one time were ready to kill some young people in the east hills, when one of the Utes detected one or more of the youths was a Cox youngster. Cordelia related that Frederick Walter followed Brigham Young's admonition to feed the natives rather than to fight them. The result was that the Indians were friendly with the Cox folk, and thereby saved the lives of the children.

Work was not always drudgery for the large Cox family. For often as they labored, they made games of their assignments. Moreover, the Cox house became a community social center. Frederick Walter was a musician, and all of the Cox children had good singing voices. The Cox house was truly a working factory during the day, but the evenings were spent in dancing, singing, and social games.


Cordelia was loved by her children and grandchildren until her death. Following the marriage of her baby girl, Evelyn Cox, to John W. Moffitt, she spent much of her remaining life at the Moffitt residence until the Moffitts moved to Nevada for a short time and later to the Uintah Basin. With the last move it became necessary for Cordelia to move from one of her children's homes to another. Typically, she would stay at a given place for three months, then move to the next. Regardless of the home in which she lived, she was always wanted.

Describing her movements from home to home among her children, she wrote the following: "I went from Emerett's (a daughter) to Sarah Ann's (daughter) April 11, 1908 & stayed there three months, then part of another three months with Sarah Ann, and the rest of that three months with Arletta (daughter). I stayed three months with Lavina (daughter living in Orangeville, Utah), three months with Eva (daughter residing in the Uintah Basin). In all I stayed with Sarah Ann one year and fifteen days in the year 1909. 26 April I went to Francis' home (her son).

The kindness of her children may be noted by the incidents of her 90th birthday as she wrote the following:

"I spent my ninetieth birthday at the home of Francis (her only living son at that time) and Libbie Cox (November 28, 1913). I got up in the morning a little blind, put my dress on wrong side out. When dressed, I ate my toast and drunk my tea prepared for me. Our dinner was bread, butter, corn, sweet potatoes, roast meat, cake, cheese." In the afternoon her daughters came in -- Emerett Clark, Sarah Ann Anderson, Calista Crawford, Arletta Tuttle. Also Emily and Lucia Tuttle (two children of Frederick Walter and one of his other wives), Amanda T. and Ann T. (these two we are uncertain as to their identity, but believe Ann T. was Ann Tuttle and probably a daughter-in-law of Arletta Tuttle).

"They sang songs to me, the good old songs I used to sing, they brought presents." Calista's present was a beautiful pair of blankets, Arletta's was a dollar, Lucia's was fifty cents, Amanda's was two bits, Ann Tuttle's was a box of candy, Eunice Snow sent a cup from Provo, Lloyd Crawford (a nephew) a box of grapes and a box of candy, Emerett's gift was one dollar, Libbie's was one dollar. Emerett Anderson Munk came with her little six week old baby; she sang. Martha Cunlife and her girls gave her a card and a box of candy with ninety pieces in it to represent her ninety years.

"The girls sang and visited together until night came on. They passed around cake and winegrapes and candy."

"George Crawford (son-in-law) came, and he and Francis (her son) joined the company."

"Later on letters came--one from John and Eva (daughter and son-in-law) with one dollar and a half. In one from Rosalia or Rosella Dalby, one from Cordelia (Coe as we knew her), and one from Ruth Anderson came congratulations."

"The day was gone and I was tired. They left, wishing me goodnight and wishing me that every moment of sadness might prove only a joy in disguise." (signed) "Grandma Cox"

As Cordelia grew older, she did the normal thing of living much in the memories of her earlier life. In order to bring these bygone incidents to the attention of her children and grandchildren, she frequently used the occasion of "Cox reunions" to write of and read some of the past that she had so very much enjoyed. One of these, dated January 20, 1903, is about her husband Frederick Walter Cox. (This is already recorded and will not be repeated.)

As in other ordinances and principles of the Church, Cordelia had great faith in patriarchal blessings. Her father was ordained a patriarch by Joseph Smith at the time they were in Missouri. He, thereafter, spent a significant portion of his life giving patriarchal blessings. Consequently, it was quite natural for Cordelia to have faith in the fulfillment of these blessings.

Cordelia copied her own patriarchal blessing after the initial writing, and rewrote the blessings of many or all of her children. She had implicit faith in the fulfillment of the promises made in such blessings. Patriarch John Ashman, at Manti, October 20, 1900, gave Cordelia one such blessing. (This is a 2nd patriarchal blessing given to her.) A portion of this blessing is as follows:

"You have kept your first estate and are legally entitled to all the blessings and promises made to the daughters of Abraham before the world was made. Blessed and set apart to be a savior of the living and the dead, your life has been preserved until this day by the power of the Most High God. The Father, when you left the courts on high, gave His angels charge of you and they have never left you. In all your trials and difficulties and sorrows, and when the destroyer has laid his heavy hand upon you, your life has been preserved for a glorious purpose even to open the prison doors and set at liberty the captives. Sister, there is a power behind the vail that is working for you and you will never fall and not one of your posterity will be lost."

"You have been favored of the Lord for some of the noblest spirits that have ever come to earth have come through your lineage and in the due time of the Lord they will shine forth like the stars in the firmament and you will have joy in your posterity. Your name will go down to future generations honored and revered by thousands for you have fought the good fight and kept the faith and your reward is sure and when you pass over to the other side there will be many there to receive you with joy. Sister, you will stand with the forty and four thousand High Priests as a Savior upon Mount Zion crowned queen and a priestess unto your husband and reign with Christ on the earth a thousand years and when the ancient of days shall come and deliver unto his faithful saints their inheritance, you will receive yours in the center stake of Zion and associate with Joseph and Hyrum whose names you honored and revered on this earth. Now sister, let your heart be comforted, for your last days shall be your best days, and I bless you with health and strength that you may live out all your days in peace and I seal you up unto eternal life to come forth in the morning of the first resurrection in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

Never a doubt concerning a promise given in such a blessing entered Cordelia's mind. She firmly believed if it did not come true in this life it would when she became immortal.

Cordelia spent considerable time in the later decades of her life in writing. She composed and wrote poetry that to her always portrayed beautiful thoughts. Her life was lived as a devoted member of the Church, and her great hope was that all of her posterity would remain faithful to Church doctrine. She frequently would commence her writing as follows: "While I am on earth and able to write with the pen in my own hand I will give to my children and my children's children a testimony that I know that God lives and will bless all those who seek to do His will."

As part of her testimony Cordelia wrote about Joseph Smith. She knew Joseph intimately from the time he moved into the home of the Morleys at Kirtland. She wrote, "He (Joseph Smith) was born December 23, 1805, in Vermont. He was six feet in height in his socks. He had blue eyes and brown hair. He was cheerful, sociable and kind to all. He would enjoy playing ball with the men and boys. He sought to find some religion when a young boy . . . he thought was true, he could find none . . ." Cordelia described his experiences until his death. She stated that while in Carthage jail and in his attempt to escape, "from the window the mob shot him and he fell from the prison window dead. . . The mob sat him against it (the prison) intending to take his head, a light came and they fled . . . He was martyred 27th of June, 1844."

Among the poems that Cordelia wrote was one indicating her conviction of having heavenly parents. This was written March 19, 1907. She would then be 84 years of age. (This poem is also recorded & will not be repeated.)

From time to time, Cordelia wrote historical incidents about her family. For example, the following:

"April 14, 1879 the corner stones of the Manti Temple were laid. John Taylor the southeast, Edward Hunter the southwest, (Frederick) Walter Cox the northwest, and Horace Eldridge the northeast."

"President F.W. Cox, standing on the stone then said, "we now pronounce this the northwest corner stone properly laid, and we pray God the Eternal Father that His Spirit may rest down upon all who shall assist in rearing this Temple to His name. Amen.""

Writing, as if to her children, she recorded on the same page the dates of Frederick Walter's birth and death, and said, "Your father lived from the 14 of April until the 5th of June after this (temple laying of cornerstones) prayer was offered."

Indicating her activities in the Church, Cordelia wrote to her children stating, "Your mother was blessed and set apart as a Temple worker May 29th, 1888. I worked 13 years, did the ordinance work for three hundred and sixteen persons."

"I was secretary for the Relief Society fourteen years." In addition to the above Church activities Cordelia did much in all of the auxiliaries of the Church.

Cordelia lived thirty-six years after the death of her husband, Frederick Walter Cox, Sr. He was owner and operator of a sawmill and was killed when unloading a log that struck him at his mill. This accident occurred June 2, 1879. Frederick Walter lived only three days after this incident. Born January 20, 1812, he lived sixty-seven years. All of his adult years from the time he joined the Mormon Church were years of challenge. He suffered losses of substantial amounts with others in Lima, Hancock County, before moving to Nauvoo. From Nauvoo starting westward he encountered many hardships. Living in polygamy, he was arrested and again and again forced to move onward from those who were threatening and persecuting him.

Severe illness and deaths in his family enroute to the Great Basin were always sorrowful experiences for this kind and loving father and husband.

His endless loyalty to the Church even after arriving in Manti is characterized by his continued devotion and activity, including special missions to the Indians and a foreign mission of three years to England.

In spite of hardships Frederick Walter Cox never forgot that his family needed recreation and social life. As a musician and understanding parent, he made the "big Cox house" the location of gaiety and delight for his wives and children.

At the time of Cordelia's death an article was printed in the Manti Messenger titled "Another Pioneer Gone to her Rest". (This is also recorded and will not be repeated.)

Cordelia Morley Cox was a genuine Mormon pioneer. She was born before the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints came into existence. Her childhood home was at Kirtland, Ohio, the first significant gathering place of Church members. She knew Joseph Smith intimately from 1831 until his death in 1844. She, with other members of her family, wholeheartedly accepted the Mormon doctrine.

Few families in the Church ever suffered more persecutions or were driven from place to place in greater frequency than the family of Cordelia Morley Cox. She endured all of the persecutions in Missouri regardless of the temporary residences of the Morley family. Perhaps no single group of people was treated more cruelly than those at Lima in Hancock County. With other members of her family standing in grief by her side, she watched the mob burn their home and other buildings and drive their livestock from their own fields.

Her marriage to Frederick Walter Cox removed none of the trials resulting from her church membership. At Nauvoo, she knew of Joseph's words that he "was going like a lamb to the slaughter". Cordelia placed her face in her hands and wept, as did scores of others when Joseph was martyred.

Cordelia Morley (now Cordelia Morley Cox) accepted Brigham Young, senior apostle, as spokesman to the Church as she formerly had accepted Joseph. She with her husband, Frederick Walter Cox, Sr., and his other wives responded positively to the call to go to the Rocky Mountains. Sadness and gigantic challenges awaited the Cox family. Serious illness and death came to many, but the Cox folk never altered their course from the direction of the setting sun. A pioneer indeed was she throughout childhood and womanhood during all the years before their arrival at Manti. But Manti was to be their ultimate mortal home. Grasshoppers, snakes, or Indians never lessened their expectations of happiness in Manti.

Cordelia Morley Cox lived nearly one complete century. Few, if any, lived to see more ill will imposed upon the people of her own faith than she. She loved Manti, the end of the toilsome trail. She was thrilled with satisfactions that came from her services in her Church. She loved her children and her children's children.

Cordelia left a void in Manti as she passed from mortal life, for she was one of the very last of those who had experienced so much for so many decades and could tell the facts so accurately.

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